(Not) A Sweet Kitty
His scratch pole is the main mast, his territory the stormy ocean - Captain Cane is no ordinary cat. As a ship's cat in the pirate fleet, he sails the world. With wind in his fur, a drink in his paw and adventure in his unharmed eye, he lives for the freedom of the open sea. Only the finest rum varieties from the Caribbean flow into his Tiki mug, selected and combined on numerous privateer voyages. For just like any (pirate) cat Captain Cane knows exactly what he likes: "Smooth Carrrribbean Juice" - soft as a paw, sweet and with exotic notes of vanilla and coconut. Everything else? Can walk the plank!
Captain Cane 40% 0.7l
Rum based spirit drink
• Mellow blend of the finest rum varieties from the Caribbean
• For true gourmets: soft as a paw, accessible & beautifully decorated with pirate gold
• "Purrrfect" for moments of pure enjoyment or in favoured drinks such as Meow Tai and Co
• Sails sustainably also under black flag: bottle made of 100% recycled glass
• Bottled with gentle 40% alc.

The sweet taste of freedom
Fruity, with exotic notes of tropical fruits and coconut, complemented by mellow aromas of soft vanilla and sweet caramel.
Soft, mild and sweet. Pure Caribbean with exotic ripe fruits like banana, rounded off by vanilla, coconut and caramel as well as fine, spicy wood notes
Pleasant, with lingering mild sweetness and delicate wood spice.
Captain Cane loves to share his liquid gold of the Caribbean with newcomers to the rum world and those with a sweet tooth. Both pirate-style straight and in casual favourites. Drink up!

5cl Captain Cane
1,5cl Limettensaft
Für die Garnitur: Grapefruit
Ein Longdrink-Glas mit Eiswürfeln füllen. Captain Cane
und Limettensaft hinzugeben, kurz umrühren und mit der Limonade auffüllen. Mit
einer Grapefruit-Spalte dekorieren.
Prickling pirate classic
Dark & Lazy
5cl Captain Cane
2cl lime juice
approx. 12 cl ginger beer
For the garnish: lime & pirate gold
Fill a long drink glass with ice cubes. First pour the ginger beer and lime juice into the glass, then add Captain Cane. Garnish with a lime zest and (if you want to give it away) some pirate gold. Stir before drinking.
Easy prey
Ginger Cat
5cl Captain Cane
ginger ale
For the garnish: lime & pineapple leaves
Fill a highball glass with ice cubes. Pour Captain Cane into the glass and top up with ginger ale to taste. Garnish with lime and pineapple leaves.
Makes Caribbean fans purr like a cat
Meow Tai
5 cl
Captain Cane1.5 cl
Orange liqueur2.5 cl lime juice
1cl almond syrup
For the garnish: mint & lime
Shake all ingredients thoroughly in a cocktail shaker with ice cubes. Pour into your piratiki mug (or a tall glass) and garnish with mint and a slice of lime.
Für Naschkatzen
Captain‘s Snack
5cl Captain Cane
4 Spritzer Angostura Aromatic Bitters
Ginger Ale
Für die Garnitur: Orange
Ein Longdrink-Glas mit Eiswürfeln füllen. Captain Cane und
Angostura Bitters hinzugeben und mit Ginger Ale auffüllen. Mit einer langen Orangenzeste garnieren. -
Zum Kapitänsdinner
Cane Cuban
4,5cl Captain Cane
2cl Limettensaft
1,5cl Zuckersirup
3 Spritzer Angostura Bitters
8-10 Minzblätter
6cl trockener Champagner, Crémant oder Winzersekt
Sirup und Limettensaft in den Shaker geben, die Minze dazugeben und leicht andrücken. Rum und Angostura Bitters sowie Eiswürfel
ergänzen und shaken. Doppelt in eine Cocktailschale abseihen, mit dem Schaumwein auffüllen und mit frischer Minze garnieren. -
Katze mit Kokos
Daring Daiquiri
5cl Captain Cane
2,5cl Limettensaft
1,5cl Kokosnuss-Sirup
Für die Garnitur: Limette & auf Wunsch Kokosraspeln
Alle Zutaten im Cocktail-Shaker mit Eiswürfeln kräftig shaken. Durch ein feines Sieb in eine Cocktailschale abseihen und mit einer
Limettenzeste oder -scheibe garnieren. Wer noch mehr Coconut-Feeling möchte, kann Kokosraspeln auf den Drink geben.